For our spring door art the kiddos decided on grass, flowers, and butterflies with a sun shining down. They layered the grass using three different techniques on each layer. One was sponge painted, one was done with do a dots, and the last was painted with green glitter paint. Next up they cut strips for the blades of grass in each layer so it would look 3D.

to make the butterflies they colored coffee filters with marker then we sprayed
it lightly with water so the colors would bleed and look like watercolors. next they
folded them like an accordion and wrapped a pipe cleaner around the middle before
it lightly with water so the colors would bleed and look like watercolors. next they
folded them like an accordion and wrapped a pipe cleaner around the middle before
spreading out the wings. they made four different kinds of flowers... a red tissue paper tulip that looks like a stained glass window, foam poppy with a button center, coffee filter daisy which happened by accident (and is our FAV) and a flower out of construction paper.
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