We got to Nonny and Poppy's house at midnight and went right to sleep. In the morning we couldn't WAIT to hug on our Cailey girl who had been there for the week by herself. She hadn't seen Brian in even longer because he was out of town before she left.
The weather was crazy cold so when they were thawing inside (because I didn't pack winter coats) we played LOTS and LOTS of games. We played triominoes, war, to grandmother's house we go, tiddly winks, connect four, jenga, bingo, kings in the corner, candy land, guess who, sorry...to name a few:).
We also ran errands with nonny and the kiddos got new shoes:).
war with poppy and snuggling with daddy

ephram LOVED seeing the doggies! all three were on poppy's lap...perfect for a picture!
Mom and dad watched the kiddos so Brian and I could go on a date for dinner:).

that afternoon after ephram woke up from his nap we dyed eggs. ephram LOVED doing it and waiting semi patiently for it to be done.

ephram LOVED his orange egg. and wanted to hold it.
and hug it...and look at it....

and then he tried to eat it. YUCK! he had a HUGE dinner but we peeled it for him
and he ate the whole thing.

a few of our eggs
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