Sweet ephram wanted to be in the picture too! Next up we ran to Cailey's ENT appointment and I told them they could do whatever they wanted for the afternoon. I was expecting them to want to go somewhere but they wanted to go home and paint shirts I got for them and eat 'make your own' ice cream sundaes!

I LOVE how their shirts turned out because they designed them together and each girl has their handprints on both shirts. Next up they ate sundaes then watched an episode of Little House on the Prairie...which was the theme for the week!! I'm not big on tv but I did let them watch a 45 minute episode on several days...which they were both thrilled and shocked about!

In the evening we went to the VBS family night where the girls were able to go up on stage and perform their songs for us. They had a hot dog dinner there and were able to see lots of friends, too!!
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