The other kiddos came to drop her off then went to Kelly's for the day. I got Cailey these new slippers (plus 5 different packs of gum) as a gift.

She was thrilled when a man walked in and told her that she could draw all over her sheet with magic markers! She wrote names of everyone praying for her and then some bible verses. Then he came in and gave her stickers to decorate her mask...who knew she'd get to do arts and crafts:)! I took this picture after she was LOOPY because of her "relaxing medicine". It was hilarious! Love that girl!!

She was SO SO sad and confused after she woke up from surgery and her throat hurt very bad. They gave her more pain meds and she fell back asleep for a little while. They took her tonsils and adenoids so that hopefully we won't have to worry about any more fevers! She brought her baby, Molly, with to the hospital. The nurses (I assume) gave Molly a matching bandage which Cailey still hasn't taken off her:). She thought it was so neat that the tape around her IV was matching:).

She came through everything great and day 1 lived off popsicles, jello, and slushies. She couldn't STAND the taste of the tylenol with codeine so she's just been on Motrin and is doing really well. There have been a couple of rough times but I honestly think she's been a trooper!

The second day was worse than the first after she woke from a nap. She went from 1-7 without wanting to take medicine or drinks because she was nauseous. When she finally came around and took her medicine she was chipper and hungry again and ate a little ice cream and a piece of bread. Nonny and Poppy got her pink flowers and we got her the turquoise ones and her balloon. She's pretty much had blue teeth the entire time because of all the slushies!
Day three she didn't feel great in the morning or afternoon but then in the evening she perked up and was ready to have company. We played some games together, she ate soup, TONS of popsicles, jello, and a Chick Fil A milkshake. The Morgan's came over and they played hide and seek, Just Dance Kids, and tag. She was DEFINITELY feeling better all evening! It was nice to see my old Cailey girl back!! Before bed she was back to having a stomach ache and tired. We've been waking her at night to give her medicine...which makes her super sleepy. I looked in the back of her throat tonight and could see the scabs formed.
Day Four was fine all during the day. She ate the most popsicles by FAR (even more than on day 1) plus another milkshake, TONS of cookies and cream ice cream, a slushie, soup, and more popsicles. She basically played on her IPOD touch and watched the Olympics with me...with a few games thrown in. Brian and I just talked about how well she's handling the pain considering she is taking only Motrin every 4 hours. Everything changed in the evening into night. She was in terrible pain and couldn't fall asleep. At 1 am she finally gave in and took some Motrin but suffered until it took some of the pain away. She woke up several times because of pain but wouldn't drink or take more medicine. It was a rough night for us both.
Day Five she woke up with a dry throat and terrible pain. We tried to beg and bribe her to take the codeine. She wouldn't even take it for 100 dollars!!! She said she'd rather deal with the pain than take it. I was thinking the day was going to be bad after the long night and waking up not feeling great but around noon she started back eating popsicles and ice cream which felt good on her throat. I started back with the meds every two hours alternating Motrin with Tylenol to help ease her pain.
Day Six...during the night we made her take the tylenol with codenine at 8, 12, and 4am. She woke up in a lot of pain again and didn't eat or drink most of the day because of the pain. This was by FAT the worst day yet. She was finally hungry enough at dinner time to deal with the pain and ate a little soup, a couple bites of jello, a bit of soft bagel, and a little milkshake. Even popsicles hurt so she didn't even eat a whole one today. I gave her tylenol with codeine before bed and am hoping the worst is over.
Day Seven- I thought she'd feel a TON better by this point but she's still having problems eating and feeling dizzy. I think maybe the scabs are starting to fall off. I looked and could see one of them almost all off.
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