It was 107 degrees when we dropped the kids off and we were soaked in sweat after getting them all set up. Kinsey and I both had shirts that were so wet they had to go right in the washing machine. I felt terrible for leaving them in the heat but it only lasted one night..then they had relief. They all said that it wasn't that bad.

This year the kids had friends they knew going to New Life Camp with them who could be in the same cabin. Braden was able to go overnight for the first time and was SO excited!! Cailey was thrilled to be going back for a second year of overnight and even more excited that Gracie was able to be in her cabin (Fire...for the second year in a row:). Braden and Caden were in Freedom together and had such a great time. The pictures above were taken on drop off day and boy did we ALL miss them!! Kinsey and Ephram missed them as much as Brian and I but we wrote letters back and forth and I sent packages which made the time go by much faster.

Pick up day was VERY exciting!! Carter and Ephram are our future campers:).

happy to be back together!!

the kids LOVED camp but were excited to see us mamas:) and their families. Cailey and Braden can't wait to go back next year! They did so many neat things but best of all they learned about "racing for last place" which really hit home for one of mine. SO blessed that this great camp is right down the street!
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