karen and i rode together and met up with Laura first
eve wins the prize for driving the farthest...all the way from Illinois! adele (kinsey's name sake) arrived next. at this point eve thought everyone had arrived but i had kept a BIG secret:).

anne was coming too! the three of us shared an apartment in college and were roomies:). we had almost all of our classes together our last two years, too! YAY! i LOVE surprising people and she had NO clue:)!

looking at pics of kiddos...it's been a LONG time since we've all been together! (6 years)

m&m's and reeces pieces (mixed together) were a STAPLE in
our dorm room, backpacks, and apartments. they
especially came out whenever we played UNO, and
spades. we all ended up bringing them!

matchy soft slipper socks:)
Karen, Laura, and I made a trivia game for the first night that was so much FUN! We stayed up chatting, laughing, and catching up until the wee hours.

we were SO blessed to be able to stay in Laura's parents
mountain house. laura and i got up on saturday morning and ran
3 miles together. the weather was AWESOME and it was my first run
back after being sick with strep and the flu. thank, l!!

on our way to the farmers market to get a bushel of pink lady apples (yep...i got more!), pumpkins, and mums.

next up we went driving on the Blue Ridge Parkway to see
the beautiful fall colored leaves and find a good hiking spot.

my girlfriends will do some pretty crazy stuff for me to get
a cute pic:). we were actually MUCH higher than it looks on that
fallen tree and sweet karen was LAYING on the ground to get our

we drove to beautiful lake lure and chimney rock after
lunch and found a craft fair....and left with a TON of funny
stories and memories

we found this nice spot and walked around the rocks and rapids...and managed to NOT fall in:)

jammie time

baking cookies, making salsa, playing games, doing crafts, laughing, laughing, and more laughing! we left with so many new 'inside jokes' and memories and had an awesome time catching up with each other. love you, girls!

I went to college with all these sweet ladies and have known them all since freshman year...which is crazy to say was 15 years ago! We haven't always been great about keeping in touch at times BUT when we are all back together again it's as if no time had passed at all...i love picking up right where we left off! I have sweet relationships with each one of them and am so thankful to call them friends. Love you, ladies...and you too, Kelly! (Our sweet friend, Kelly, couldn't come this year because her baby was sick but she was missed!)
1 comment:
so proud of you for getting this out so quickly! I will hopefully have mine out tomorrow!
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