then we had co op...where she was sung to
by everyone
next up was a playdate with the williams (complete with chick fil a) where she had a blast
playing with the big kids outside in the woods

then we came home and she got LOTS of birthday phone calls..
which always make her smile
next we went on a date together to get things for her party...and maybe a
few treats, too
ALL DAY LONG we had 'happy birthday breaks' and sang to our sweet
princess, sister, daughter, classmate, granddaughter, and friend
To my SWEET SWEET girl...Happy 5th Birthday! You are so special to us and we are beyond thankful for your happiness that shines through in everything you do. You love to laugh, play, go on dates, and do anything that Braden and Cailey are doing. You love singing on the stage. You let go of your blankie today...and somehow were ready. You replaced it with lots' oh bear....oh my.
We are able to understand you much more these days as things are 'clicking'. You are learning to read...and that's SUPER exciting to you! You constantly ask how to spell words. You LOVE doing school. You are still a little mama who LOVES to play babies, play dress up, and wear lots of jewelry and high heels. You want chapstick on your lips all the time too. You are my girly girl but you also love doing the monkey bars and playing sports. You are great at soccer...and pretty much every sport you try. You learned how to ride a bike, tie your shoes, do the monkey bars, and read this year...you are asking daily to get your ears pierced...so that'll be next:). You are compassionate. You LOVE AWANAS and try so hard to learn your verses. You love one on one time. I love one on one time with you.
food- pizza
game- hey diddle diddle
place to go- park and play on the monkey bars
thing to do- read and color
dessert- ice cream
book- all of them
restaurant- donald's (aka Mc Donald's)
candy- lollipops
color- pink pink you stink
toy- everything
season- winter when it's snow
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