I took the kiddos on a field trip to Farm Days and first up was the chicks! All the kiddos loved the chicks but Kinsey didn't want to hold it once she saw that it could poop on her:). Ephram loved it until he saw it moved. Cailey and Braden could have stayed there for hours...they held both chicken chicks and turkey chicks!

Cailey said, "Look! A fawn!" Great Science lesson...it's a foal:). They loved watching the foal because it was teething and kept eating the caretakers shirt.

They saw three different types of cows and calves. A giant bull, dairy cow, and beef cow. They definitely noticed how different they looked and it was a great learning opportunity. Next up they tried to lasso a bull.

The kiddos loved watching the pigs, sheep, and baby goats.

they loved watching the animals and could have stayed here all day!

kinsey wanted to hug the 'cow' as soon as we got there but there was a long
line. we came back later and got some quality time with it. it's so funny to me how
much she LOVES characters after being so scared of them for such a long time.


back to the chicks...for the third time:)

while they were waiting the klick's came. cailey was SO excited to sit in this enormous
tractor after waiting so long.
tractor after waiting so long.

everyone got their favorite flavor....some chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry!

after ice cream the kiddos took a break by the pond and played duck duck goose, tag, and follow the leader.

one last stop to see the chicks on the way out...after three hours of farm fun:)!
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