i bought a groupon months ago for roller skating at Jelly Beans and decided to take the three oldest with Auntie Anne after we went to the park. they've never been roller skating before and were excited when they got there and realized where we were. i'm thankful anne went with us because i sure needed another adult and brian doesn't like to skate.

there was a lot of falling in the beginning (especially from kinsey and braden) but they got the hang of it and were able to go around tons! braden had sore legs at the end but kinsey had a sore bottom because she fell a lot!

to say we had fun would be a MAJOR understatement. we seriously had an amazing time and will definitely be going back for more skating!
i haven't been since childhood and it brought back such great memories for me. it's almost like nothing had changed...round seats to sit on, super loud music, flashing lights, same brown skates with orange wheels, short doors in the bathroom and slick floors...i guess that's how all skating places are because i hadn't been to this one before yet it was the same as the ones in charlotte. i was fully expecting to fall a lot and not be much help but pleasantly surprised and was able to stay up and skate well. i.loved.it. i even got blisters and didn't want to go home! i told anne i wanted to have a skating party for my 35th birthday next year after our sleepover:)...look out, friends!

trying to keep them up!

i actually figured out that they fell more holding my hand and did better on their own because they were able to stay balanced more easily.
the groupon came with $4 for each person to spend at the snack bar so we took two breaks and everyone got to choose something to refuel with before skating more:) braden got a hot dog and an ice cream sandwich, cailey got an icee and skittles, kinsey got chips and an icee, and anne and i were able to get snacks too! such a FUN FUN FUN time!
they all came home and couldn't wait to tell daddy all about all the fun they had!

cailey and braden told auntie anne their bible verses they were working on (and braden told her gen 1-3) and kinsey read her a bob book before she had to go.

it took a lot but she finally got him to smile after throwing him up in the air:)

last piggy back ride before baked ziti, bread, meatballs, and veggies for dinner and then auntie anne had to go back home. it was a quick visit but we were able to fit a lot into it and had a blast with her here! she helped me organize my closet, went to HT with me twice, park, wii time, skating, tickles, tag, played outside with the kiddos, and we were able to catch up:).
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