Look who's become a 'baseball' family! We decided to try a new sport this spring instead of soccer and signed all three up without realizing how crazy getting them all to practice on three different fields (sometimes at the same time, sometimes back to back, sometimes during naptime) would be...but so far they are all having fun!

Brian had to work on their first Saturday practice so I took the kiddos and went back to back and was able to find all the fields (yay!). Cailey played softball first and had fun learning the new sport and making new friends. Braden and Kinsey were able to play on a playground in between cheering her on while Ephram was trying his hardest to fall in the mud:).

Next up was Kinsey, who is playing t ball and is SO VERY cute out there with her pigtails and helmet! The kiddos stood there and cheered her on whenever it was her turn:). She loved it and spent time practicing running the bases, batting, and catching. When they weren't cheering the other kiddos played with new friends around the bleachers and chased ephram all around.

Braden's practice was last at a nearby field and the girls were able to play on a playground most of the time. Braden had watched very closely at the girls practices and figured out how to properly catch grounders and was able to catch on very quickly just from watching. They had just gotten their gloves the night before and had literally never caught, thrown, or hit a baseball until practice that day. They all did great! We did learn that Braden needs to wear his glasses so he can SEE the ball, though!

I love this picture...once again he learned the right way to stand by watching the coaches correct Cailey earlier in the day.
For now we'll have six practices a week (two for each) until games start...then I'm not sure. It's a lot but they are loving it!
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