from sleeping beauties to spinning beauties
these girls were TIRED from all the fun they had been having all week!

i watched alex thursday and friday of this week so the boys played trains while i got ready for another baby playdate.
we met up with carter and went to north hills for the morning. first up was the toy store where they played more trains and ephram spotted a doggie within minutes of being there. you can see him forming the word to excitedly scream, "DOGGIE!"
after the toy store scarlett joined us for some target fun then ball out in the courtyard. notice the boys and their food...ephram MUST be going through a growth spurt because my normally 'won't eat' child turned into "my hunry" (i'm hungry) child 24/7. he says it pretty much all day...even when he's eating:). oh...and he prefers other people's food to his own and will take it from them with no shame. thankfully he's got some sharing friends!

when the girls got home they read, jumped on the trampoline, then headed over to Grace and Emily's house with Braden and Kinsey for an afternoon of jumping in the sprinkler and devouring a cantaloupe.
When they got home we went to the pool with Tricia and her sister Rebecca for the afternoon before the hubbies met us there for dinner and swimming.

another night of dinner at the pool:)

kinsey LOVED having so many people to play with....and it was picture night

rebecca had a great time playing with jackson while the other kids were in practice and kinsey was playing with sydney. as soon as practice was over the kids swam from dave to brian 'attacking' them so they could be thrown:).

fun with the williams!

braden's hair was standing up STRAIGHT because it's so dry from the pool.
cailey always talks to baby esh and can't WAIT to meet him/her.
1 comment:
lovin' all the aunt camp pics:)
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