We go on one family vacation a year and this is a Disney year...we are going in November. Usually we don't get to go to the beach on our Disney years but this year we were blessed to go twice! In June we went with my parents for nonny's retirement and last week we went with the Klick's! Brandon's parents live there and graciously accepted our family...which meant 13 people in their house! Once again I had too many awesome pics and couldn't cut them down any farther...love them all!
Ephram was scared to death of the ocean the first day...as in SCREAMED bloody murder. When I asked him why he said it sounded like a vacuum and it was going to get him. By the end of our 4 day getaway he was a super brave boy and joined the others in getting knocked down by the waves. A couple times while Carter and Ephram were laying in the surf I had to literally hold them from getting pulled back in the ocean because it was so rough....but they loved it!
All of the older kids loved boogie boarding and going out with the daddies pretty far. The boys spent a lot of time looking for sharks teeth, sand diggers, and other sea creatures. Caroline and Kinsey had a fun time playing together on the sand, digging pools, looking for shells, and walking on the pier. Cailey is still my bravest in the ocean...going out way too far! She spent most of her time boogie boarding, in the water, or digging pools. Under the pier there were tons of birds. One time we saw a pigeon get stuck in the ocean unable to get back out...only to be rescued from a passerby. Another time I walked up to find Cailey PETTING a bird that must have been injured. SERIOUSLY?? DISEASE!! My mom has me paranoid about such things so Cailey washed her hands but she followed that bird around for a long time that first day. She's always tried to catch seagulls...so this was a dream come true for her.

The daddies played a really LONG game of Monopoly with the kids which Caden won. Braden's goal was to have all the railroads which payed off for a while but since he gave Caden Park Place (when he already had Boardwalk) it ended up wiping everyone out. The game lasted a couple hours though and kids had so much fun on the rainy evening.
Ephram LOVED having three dogs to play with! Whenever we'd come home he would lay on his stomach and get nose to nose with Charlie then run to touch Lucy's nose. Not sure why he loves dog noses so much but it's been since he was a baby. Several times Brian or I would catch him snuggling with Lucy or Charlie...so sweet how much he loves doggies!
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