This year Caden joined Cailey and Braden in the triathlon. They were all there bright and EARLY to get 'pinned and numbered'. So nice to have a friend racing along with you!

Cailey and Braden were in different age groups this year because they changed things so she didn't get to be the 'oldest' in her group like she was hoping. BUT she did great even though she had to do much more than last year. First she had to swim 100 (4 lengths), then bike 3 miles, and finally run 1 mile. There were 34 other girls in her age group she was competing with. Even though she's on swim team it's still the hardest for her but she's come a LONG way (and that's a lot of swimming!). She held her own and wasn't passed by anyone.

It was CRAZY trying to see both kids in different age groups do all their events simultaneously but we managed it. Braden was the oldest in his age group because of the changes. He had to swim 50 (2 lengths), bike 2 miles, and run 1/2 mile which is the same as last year. He ROCKED it and did great too! He actually caught a couple people on the swim:).

Both of them struggled on the transitions...the thing we need to work on for next year:). We have GOT to buy velcro shoes!! BUT they both started off great on their bikes after the swim.

some of our cheerleaders! i was very thankful this year that they had enough volunteers so Brian was able to cheer them on the whole time. not sure how we would have managed it if he was off on the course somewhere!

i missed cailey come in on her bike and start running while Braden was swimming but thankfully Brian was outside waiting and could cheer her on! (also thankful for 2 great cameras). brian said she looked like she came in very fast on the bike (which she did...7th out of the 34 girls!) and then took off running fast. both the run and the bike course had some nasty hills...these kids are amazing!

i went down to try and find cailey on the running course after braden took off on the bike and thankfully didn't miss her finish! she looked she had been running very hard and i was able to cheer her on to the finish line. she ROCKED it and came in 5th place for running!! overall she was in 7th (for biking/running/swimming) and was thrilled:). she did amazing! on her own she ran her mile (uphill after swimming and biking uphill) in 10:11. she definitely has drive and said she was trying to pass people. she is competitive in every thing except for swimming (which i think is because she can't see people ahead of her) and does MUCH better when she's competing vs. by herself (which i LOVE about her). she must get that from her daddy:). VERY proud of her...i know I never could have done it at her age!
found daddy waiting for braden to come back...i love how excited they are!

the timing couldn't have worked out any better...he came in on the bike just as we met brian and was ALL smiles!!

the girls decided to run with braden 1/2 the way to cheer him on and encourage him. even kinsey in crocs never quit! cailey was encouraging and cheering for was awesome to hear and see. braden kept going the whole time and finished strong! he ended up cutting SIX minutes off his time from last year! he finished 16 out of 26 which was 10 places up from last year! he was PSYCHED! swimming was his strongest area. he's not very competitive (which i love about HIM) but was very interested in knowing where he was compared to last year. when he finished he said he loved it all and couldn't wait to do it again:). i don't care what place they come in...I am just amazed how much fun they have doing it. as long as they have fun and want to, we'll encourage them to:).
SO proud of this boy!!

our two champions eating, eating, and eating!! (their fav part of the race:)

caden's bike ended up messing up on the course so he came in from the bike just as braden finished running and braden handed me his food and said, "i have to go run with caden to cheer him on!" then took off. he stayed with caden the WHOLE time right after having done his race. talk about amazing. we were so proud of him!! all three did a great job! (oh...the girls went out and ran with caden for 1/2 the way again).

finish line and family pic

little cheerleaders
The night before the race Kinsey said she didn't want to do it next year. After being there and running with the kids she quickly changed her mind and said she couldn't wait! Cailey is excited about next year and being the oldest in her age group (here's hoping they don't change it!) and Braden will move up to her age group which means he'll double up on the swimming and running and add a mile to the bike. Both of them are looking forward to it!
I am so impressed with you guys! Cailey looks like a grown up runner in some of those pics, I had to do a double take to make sure it was really her. :) Great job both of you for persevering and working so hard! Love you guys!
Love all the pictures! Wish I could talk Harrison into this!
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