cailey wanted a strawberry cake in the the shape of a present this year. her party wasn't starting until 4:30 and she excited about it ALL.DAY.LONG! she kept saying, "the time is going SO slowly!" oh..and she wanted to dress up for her party and picked out her outfit well in advance..including the dangle earrings:).

The girls played three 'minute to win it' games. The first one was a dice game and they had 1 minute to see if they could get doubles three times. It was harder than they thought! Next they went to jump on the trampoline while they waited for more friends to get there.

the next game was super fun and yummy for them! there was a smiley face drawn on a paper plate and they had one minute to see if they could cover all the dots of the face by sucking skittles up on the straw and putting them on the plate. (then they got to eat all the skittles:)
then there was the cup stacking game which no one was able to master but they loved! they had a pile of cups and had to stack them in a pyramid 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and then get them stacked again. a few of the girls were super close but ran out of time.

some laughter in between:)

the whole gang! and gracie with ephram:).
Braden and Kinsey were having some fun of their own because they both got to sleepover at the Klick's house! It was so very sweet of them to offer to watch them so we could focus on Cailey and her girlfriends.

fruit by the foot was used on the cake and the girls finished the rest of the box!
the cake was a HIT!

they ate so much sugar that they decided to go run it off! hilarious! they all headed to the cul de sac and ran around it over and over! then they wanted to stay out and play mother may i.

present time! cailey with kalia, ashton, and zoe
She was blessed beyond with her presents and loved them all! Brian said she got big girl gifts this year...earrings, purses, wallets, gift cards, etc.

Cailey with Emilee, Lindsay, and Gracie
None of the girls knew the others well going into it (some not at all) and I was a bit nervous about how things would go with so many little girls but they all got along GREAT and had so much fun together! It was neat to see Cailey introduce them to each other and tell the story of how she met each one of them.

a quick game of bingo...then the pot game was planned but we couldn't find the blindfold and the girls decided it was time for a movie. how FUN it was to take pictures of them! they all looked the first time and didn't need to be told to smile:)! thankfully all of them knew i loved to take pictures and didn't mind:)

movie time! they watched Molly..the American Girl Movie. Ephram was the 'mascot' all night long and loved on by all the girls! they were SO very sweet to play with him and include him.

after the movie the girls got in their sleeping bags to go to sleep in the family room. i just asked that they whisper and not be loud then i went up to bed. brian stayed down in the living room watching tv for a while and said they talked about shark movies, played duck duck goose in the dark (and other games), told funny stories, went the bathroom..a lot (they had a TON of juice), giggled tons, and ended up staying awake until 12:50. i'm so thankful for each one of them and glad that Cailey had a GREAT birthday party!
in the morning after breakfast they played hide and seek all over the house as the mommy's came...and two of the girls came to church with us.
awesome time! Can't believe that she is 9!!! WOW! I remember seeing her in Mass. when she was just 8 or 9 months old! Love you!
WHAT? No pot game? They are growing up!!! :(
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