Braden had his first year of day camp at New Life Camp this year and had a BLAST! He would RUN each morning as soon as he got out of the car to meet his new friends. They went fishing, did archery, went on a giant water slide, swam, had bible time, played putt putt, sang songs, and more:)! He stayed in the Brothers cabin...and had great counselors. He slept on the top bunk and was all packed up and ready to go when we came to pick him up on Friday night.

such a HAPPY HAPPY boy who immediately asked to go back again:)! his siblings were excited for him too:)

The Eshleman's came with us to surprise the kiddos and to have some fun at New Life Camp when we got Braden. They were definitely surprised! First up were canoe rides and paddle boats! Ephram loved the canoe and has been talking about it ever since...the other kiddos had SO much fun too. braden was THRILLED to be able to help paddle on the boat.

next up was fishing at Braden's request. they all had fun but didn't catch any.

then on to putt putt....

ephram played too!

cailey was really wanting to go on the playground so we headed there right before going home. kinsey and braden are now heavier than cailey so we had to add ephram on her side to even out the weight...the see saw worked GREAT when they were all on there together:). what a blessing it was to celebrate braden's super fun week at camp as a family..and with our sweet friends, the eshleman's.
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