Braden's group got to put on a skit at their troop Christmas party and it was cute! Then they went to decorate Christmas cards which they were sending to a nursing home.

Two things with these pictures...first, cracks me UP to see the one of braden and cailey. my first glimpse of "really mom? you are going to take a picture?? i'm gonna give you a fake/ too old for this smile"
Second, this was my children's FIRST experience with getting asked by a Santa, "What do you want me to bring you for Christmas?". Cailey rolled her eyes and winked at me then said a movie, Braden laughed and said Legos, Kinsey...I think REALLY thought she was getting something but said "whatever you want to bring me" and ephram didn't say anything. Kinsey's at an age where she has her friends telling her what they are asking Santa for..and talking about Elf on the Shelf..and quite honestly is confused. She knows that WE don't do Santa..and knows that we tell her he's not real...but doesn't completely understand. One time she did tell a friend he wasn't real but we were able to fix that situation. I'm hoping that with all the conversations we've had she'll realize that mommy and daddy give her gifts because we love her...because of the gift that was given to us. We're hoping that she'll never have to question if God is real because we lied to her about Santa being real. The other two have never questioned it...but it's coming harder for my Kinsey girl. Praying she'll get it.
Second, this was my children's FIRST experience with getting asked by a Santa, "What do you want me to bring you for Christmas?". Cailey rolled her eyes and winked at me then said a movie, Braden laughed and said Legos, Kinsey...I think REALLY thought she was getting something but said "whatever you want to bring me" and ephram didn't say anything. Kinsey's at an age where she has her friends telling her what they are asking Santa for..and talking about Elf on the Shelf..and quite honestly is confused. She knows that WE don't do Santa..and knows that we tell her he's not real...but doesn't completely understand. One time she did tell a friend he wasn't real but we were able to fix that situation. I'm hoping that with all the conversations we've had she'll realize that mommy and daddy give her gifts because we love her...because of the gift that was given to us. We're hoping that she'll never have to question if God is real because we lied to her about Santa being real. The other two have never questioned it...but it's coming harder for my Kinsey girl. Praying she'll get it.

my happy boy!
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