Christmas morning we woke up at 7am when Cailey came in to see if we were awake. Usually she is my night owl (therefore NOT my morning girl) and sleeps in the longest but she was very excited. Since we don't 'do' Santa we haven't ever had to worry about kids coming down or waking up early because they see the presents under the tree all month long. Eventually Braden and Kinsey woke up and they played a game together while waiting for Ephram..who is ALWAYS up before 7! We woke him at a 8:00 so we could get the day started:). After a family devotion and lots of "Merry Christmas" the kiddos decided they wanted to open their stockings...and dug right into the candy:)!

One thing I love about the way we do Christmas is that they open gifts ONE at a time...and the others are just as excited to see what it is. Kinsey made me a sweet card and some Chex Mix..my favorite!

For breakfast we had our traditional Christmas French toast and Crockpot breakfast casserole. Cailey made me a pot holder and gave it to me to open when it was time to take the french toast out of the oven.

Kinsey was SO excited to see Cailey's gift for her. She gave Kinsey her entire silly band collection! She knew how much Kinsey loved silly bands and wanted to give them all to her...very sweet! Another fun thing Kinsey got was a princess book that I made her online. It has three or four princess stories with her name included, as well as her friends Caroline, Emma, and Emily Ruth. All the kids were pretty excited about it and listened as I read the first story.

I don't spend much on Christmas..most of their gifts are either bought with mega coupons, sales from years past (and saved in my closet), swag bucks (free), or our credit card points (therefore free). Every year I say we need to scale back on the amount of presents but every year when I go to wrap them I realize that I got a ton of great deals again and end up donating some. Ephram's elmo was one of those great deals that I wouldn't usually get but he loved it! The big kids always talk about my soft blanket so back in the summer when they were 75 percent off I bought them each one..and they were psyched!
This is the gun we got ephram in disney..and the second we got back i wrapped it up and put it under the tree for him. He was excited to see it and was no fool..he said, "it's my gun from disney!" :) One of Brian's gifts was a nerf machine gun and he's had a blast with it!

These are a few of their favorite things! Kinsey's favorite was her scooter with light up pink wheels which she rode all around the downstairs before taking it outside later on. Braden's was a Star Wars ship (that I got an AWESOME deal on and forgot about...Brian keeps talking about how awesome it is..guess I did good by accident!), Cailey's was her ipod touch (which was free) and boy was she shocked! She uses it for email, music, facetime, wordfeud, and other games. She LOVES it! Several of her friends got one this year too so we set them all up to be able to play/talk/email each other. Ephram's favorite gift was a cardboard box that I decorated like a boat. He LOVES it and sits and plays in his boat...and even goes on trips to see Nonny and Poppy in it:).

After the kiddos got dressed we packed up and headed to Matt's house in Charlotte.

The kids opened more gifts then played with their cousins. After dinner Uncle Matt became a jungle gym for all the little ones.

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