we had TONS of time to play with and make all the gifts that were given to them for birthdays over Christmas break and had a blast! cailey got these silly glasses for Christmas from a neighbor:).

sweet buddies playing...and my silly girls whose knew pose is this..then they say, "STYLE"

sweet cailey beading with ephram..ephram reading books 'by himself', and all four jumping on the trampoline having a blast!

ephram has a way of wiggling in to eating his siblings food:). in the first picture my toothpick boys were sharing pineapple and the second was cailey's breakfast...AFTER ephram had breakfast...and he went to get his own spoon:).

1.ephram saw everyone pitching in with chores and went to wet a rag and proceeded to wash the cabinets on his own! he always says, "how can i be your big helper?" sweet boy!
2. he is always the reliable one when it comes to praying...never forgets and is precious with his sweet folded hands:).
3. this was after lunch one day. i had gone upstairs to help the older two with something and came back down to find my sweet boy asleep in his chair! i couldn't believe he had fallen asleep since it was only 12:00. i woke him right up (knowing it would mean no nap later) and we played for the next two hours)

brian took this while watching all the kiddos so the mommies could go out to dinner together..lots of kiddos! and the other is caroline and kinsey before their pj pancake dinner:)!
It was bedtime...and he had a lot of sugar...and was wired. I remember saying, "ephram, please don't bring the sword in mommy's room."
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