Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Lately Kinsey's favorite thing to say (which she's learned from siblings) is boorwin (boring).

Coming inside to take a nap when playing outside is boorwin.

Cleaning my room is boorwin.

Obeying mommy is boorwin.

Everything is boorwin unless it's what I want to do.

On a funny note, the other night when the kids were in bed Kinsey came out to tell me something "sewious". She said (with a straight face), "Mommy, I like wedgies. Will you give me a wedgie?" Crazy girl! (But being the good mommy that I am, of course I obliged:).


anthonyandbeth said...

cracks me up. i love that girl!

The Hilemans said...

EB's new thing is "made you look!"

- I put my Keens in my pajama drawer. Made ya look!

- Kellen's in the potty. Made ya look!

And EB calls Toy Story, "Boring Story"