Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March 31, 2010

Today I asked Jesus in my heart. It means that Jesus is living in me. I am excited! I know that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and He rose from the dead and went back to Heaven. Jesus loved us so much that he wanted to die for us. He didn't have to, he just chose to. One day He's going to come back down and take us up to live with Him. Everyone who believes in Jesus will be with us in Heaven. I want everyone to believe that He died for them too. I like the verse John 3:16. "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son. Whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life"

We are SO proud of you, Braden!!

We celebrated tonight by having dinner with friends before AWANA:)!! Braden was beaming and couldn't wait to tell them the great news!

It's been so neat to watch my normally introverted boy excited to tell everyone about his HUGE and life changing decision. He called friends, told all his AWANA teachers and even asked to go up on the stage and share it with all of the AWANA friends at green meadow time. This is such a blessing! Tonight one of my friends said, "imagine if he was still in Korea he may have never learned about Christ"....GOD IS GOOD!

Jesus said, "Let the little children come unto me" Mark 10:14


Eve said...

I am so proud of Braden!

a side note there are Christians in Korea and while your friend could be right about not learning about Jesus by this time of his life Braden would have still had opportunities in Korea.

Obviously, God has a perfect plan for him and that was to be with you and the Barbour family, and have him become a Christian at this time!

What an exciting time for Braden and I am glad that he wants the world to know that he is a Christian!!!!

Sherri said...

So thrilled about this most important decision. Yea Braden!

Heather said...

Eve...I KNOW there are Christians in Korea but that's why I wrote he MAY not have had the opportunity. You're right...maybe he would, just neat to see how it all worked out and how God hand picked him for our family:) love you!

Eve said...

totally neat! I love your family and can't wait to see how God's hand continues to move you all!

Auntie Anne said...

Braden - welcome to the family! I'm so happy you have Jesus in your heart! Love you all!