Thursday, June 17, 2010

2 mile runs

I have been meaning to do this post for six months now but was hoping to have a picture. I still haven't gotten around to taking one but want to do the post anyway so Braden knows how PROUD we are of him!! Braden has acquired a love of running...perhaps from Brian and I or maybe seeing his sister do it. Either way he's got so much determination it's amazing!

When he's in a group recreational setting he tends to sit out a lot. I'm not sure why but he says it's because he's tired. Somehow when he is running he gets over the 'wall' and will just keep going and going. Brian took him for a one mile run (because he begged:) and came back after two miles. Braden ran TWO miles (six months ago for the first time). We were SO proud and amazed that he wanted to do it. He has continued to love it and we are so happy to have found something he really enjoys! WAY TO GO, Braden!

1 comment:

Auntie Anne said...

Wow Braden! I am so proud that you ran so far! I am not a runner so I am very impressed!