Monday, November 5, 2012


It was 9:30 pm and Ephram came in my room.

E- "Mommy, I really don't like to sleep. It's not my favorite thing to do. I would like to stay up and not sleep."

M- "What would you do if you didn't go to sleep?"

E- "I would play lots of fun games with you and daddy. It would be the funnest. It would be so fun!"

M- "But you would get very sleepy"

E- "sleep is not my favorite. it really isn't"

M- "goodnight, buddy"

cue crying. cue snuggling. cue final goodnight.

M- "I love you sweet boy"

E- "I love you Mommy but I don't really love sleep"


Eve said...

Oh my goodness! so sweet! Poor thing just didn't want to be away from his mommy and daddy!

Joy for the Seasons said...

Ok that is too cute.