Friday, February 22, 2013

soakin' up the sunshine!

We went to the park while the weather was warm to soak up some sunshine! The kids had fun playing on all the usual equipment and chose to go to this park. It was a nice break in our day, something that we will do more often as it warms up (and before it gets TOO hot for this mama).

After an hour of playing we decided to go on a nature walk and it was our favorite part of the day!  We explored and could have stayed for HOURS if poor Braden didn't have a tummy ache.

stumps were used to jump off of
they found fallen trees and used them as balance beams

of course they needed walking sticks:)

Braden even found a tree that was perfect for doing flips over and pull ups

i'm pretty sure this is my favorite picture of all time. they are just being kids. and it was captured. pure innocent fun..digging, playing with rocks and sticks...just being.

we went to another wooded area that reminded us of "Where the Red Fern Grows" (a read aloud we've done together). 
They were trying to be like Billy and 'chop' down a fallen tree. They were using sticks...and the tree was rotted so it was pretty easy. (Unlike Billy who spend over 24 hours trying to ax his down!)

There is an open field on the way back that my Kinsey girl just couldn't resist doing cartwheels on...all the way to the car:).

SO blessed and thankful to have these fun times just playing outside together.

1 comment:

Joy for the Seasons said...

That Kinsey girl never has her shoes on. ;)