Friday, January 25, 2008

Reading Games and ABC Play With Me

My computer died and it was driving me crazy! Talk about addiction....I seem to want to be on the computer daily, so when it crashed it really threw me for a loop! Fortunately my techy husband replaced the hard drive and all is well now.

Cailey and Braden have been going to classes at Storybook Safari since I've worked there, mainly when I was teaching. This fall Cailey started a class called Reading Games and Braden started a class called ABC Play With Me and they love it! Sheree (my boss, nanny, and friend) teaches them both on different days and I can't believe how far they've come! Braden has learned some sight words (he get's so excited when he sees the words: you, stop, thank, big, and a few others) and Cailey's getting more out of it than school (or so it seems). I am SO thankful that they can take these classes because they enjoy them so much! Not to mention it gives me more time to spend with them individually because the classes are on different days. It's also been neat to have that extra time with Kinsey:)!!

Ms. Sheree with the Kiddos

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