Friday, November 7, 2008

Weather Exhibit

This week we went on a field trip to Marbles Museum with some friends to play and see the new weather exhibit. Cailey was especially excited about the Magic School Bus weather area because she's learning all about weather in our co op! We went around looking at all the stations and as I was reading about each one and she'd say, "I know mom....I learned it in co op." EVERY WEEK when I asked her what she learns I get this answer...NOTHING. Sometimes she'll talk about clouds, but mostly she just talks about friends. Little did I know she was actually learning:)! We had a great time and can't wait to go back to re-visit the weather exhibit!


Anonymous said...

Rebecca does the SAME thing when I ask her what she learned (wherever) and then she'll pop out with something at a random time that she OBVIOUSLY learned (wherever). I think they hear more than we THINK they hear:)

Janet said...

Sometimes you need a buddy to spur on conversation. I should have had Cailey over for lunch, today. I spent 30 min. listening to Lindsey talk about the weather class. Then we had to run around like molecules and stick together like ice. Oh my! I'm glad the blog world cannot see me running around like molecules! :)

Also...I must say (if I haven't already) you have the best dressed kids in all the world for sure. I have NEVER seen them unless they are dressed 'to the hilt' and I see them a lot in a week. Very cute indeed!

Melissa and Dan said...

We were there Wednesday!!! Dylan loves the train tables though....