Sunday, August 2, 2009

summer door art

it's been a while since we've done door art...about
time! i love that each time we do it the kids decide what
they want to do and the craft supplies or techniques they want
to use. they came up with the idea to make fish and
an octopus out of pipe cleaners! very creative!

cailey outlined the ocean

all the kiddos painted the ocean and sand
together. for the ocean they used a regular brush
and for the sand they sponge painted.

braden wanted the fish to have pom pom

kinsey made mosaic seashells using
foam shapes

the kiddos decided they wanted a sunset so cailey
picked out all the colors and painted the entire thing
by herself! i thought it turned out AMAZING!

kinsey is painting bubble wrap for seaweed

braden is finishing up the seaweed..

we cut out the seaweed and glued everything
else on. braden came up with the idea for the button/feather
sailboat:). cailey wanted a starfish and decorated that.
when daddy came home from work, he
came up with an awesome idea for our picture!
he printed this silhouette of the kiddos from our last
beach trip. the kids and i loved it!

our summer door art!


Janet said...

Heather, That's beautiful!!!!!!

Eve said...

which door does it go on?
i love it!