Monday, August 17, 2009

Wednesday/Thursday morning at Aunt Camp

Day Two of Aunt Camp started out at the Y for a couple hours and then onto a playdate. We went to our new Sunday school teacher's house for an afternoon of swimming in their pool and fellowship. The kids had an AWESOME time jumping off of the diving board, swimming for rings, and 'playing lifeguard'. (We decided that playing lifeguard wasn't such a great idea:). Thanks so much for having us!

The girls and Braden had a 'Free Movie Day' (as they called it) that afternoon at home since we had already seen the one that was playing in the theater. They picked Tarzan, which Cailey cutely calls Tarzane:).

building houses with magnetic tangrams
while i was making dinner

Morning of Day Three:

playing outside...Cailey LOVED having someone here
to play outside with her!

art time- the girls are making decorations
for Cailey's birthday party

part of the final product:

game time...the girls played a ton of games while
waiting for the party to begin! they also played dress up, baby, and
lifeguard upstairs:).


Gretchen said...

We sure had fun with you guys at the pool (twice in one week!)

Love your blog header!

Eve said...

can't believe how your kids are fish! It was great talking to you today!