Monday, October 19, 2009

Cooking with Freshly Picked Apples

rolling the apples

helping hand

taking turn adding ingredients

the finished product: apple dumplings

the kids LOVED them (and the vanilla ice cream
on top). Mommy and Daddy thought the dumplings
were pretty awesome too! This was a simple recipe
and something we'll definitely make again.

I haven't done my usual crazy baking with all of our apples yet, but I was able to make a couple things last week. I've made several batches of baked apples for the kiddos (that were devoured as soon as they were finished). The kiddos LOVE to bake also and helped make apple dumplings that were 'nummy, nummy' according to Kinsey:).


Sandy said...

Look delicious! I love to make things with the kids. When you feel up to it, how about posting the recipe? Of if you got it online, just the website. Hope you are feeling better this week!

anthonyandbeth said...

ok. so where's the recipe?