Monday, November 23, 2009

not good.

This morning Brian got an email from CSI man stating that he received the packet. AWESOME!! This evening Brian got an email from CSI man stating that our homestudy would have to be REDONE. We have NO IDEA what's going on or why he said it was fine to have an addendum. Right now we're in freak out mode. This means all new dr. appt's...for ALL FIVE of us. Which also means waiting on blood test results. Which also means it won't be happening this week. It means they have to come back out to our house and start the homestudy from scratch. We don't know why. We don't know if we'll need all new recommendation letters, etc. THIS IS NOT GOOD. I keep wondering why this is happening. Why we couldn't start this process LAST WEEK so our appt's could be done. Why in the WORLD would he say an addendum is ok if it's not?? What's worse is that there is no one in our agency that's available to help us. Why would we get this referral if all this was going to happen?? Emotionally neither one of us are doing good right now. We want our baby. We don't want this to fall apart.

Finding this out has turned me into a cleaning monster. I deal with stress in different ways...usually by eating...A LOT. After eating m&m's and potato chips I cooked dinner. Then I started cleaning. I'm doing things that I RARELY do (don't get me wrong, I clean...but I'm going way overboard!)...even cleaned the sink, L (Brian was shocked-ewww)!! I feel like I'm on another planet right now. Please pray. I DO believe in the power of prayer and know that God can work this out. I haven't called FCA to tell them and honestly feel like I'm going to wait until next week to see what unfolds. Brian emailed CSI man back to ask why but won't hear a response until (hopefully) tomorrow. Everything closes for the week on Wednesday...our dr. offices are closed until next week. There's not a whole lot we can do at this point other than worry OR pray.

Please pray this will get worked out ASAP and that our homestudy will get done quickly. Pray that everyone who needs to be involved in this will be diligent. Thank you for praying!


Sandy said...

Praying!!! And praying that you will be able to choose pray over worry!

Laura said...

You cleaned the SINK????? This IS serious:)
You know I'm here and me anytime!!
Love you!!

Janet said...

I'm so sorry this is all happening! Praying for you!

McLeod Family said...


I am praying for you guys! Praying that God will draw you close and give you the peace that passes all understanding. Hoping today brings good news!

Nan said...

Lord, Your ways are perfect. Your timing is perfect, even when we don't understand it; even when we think You are wrong. Hold Heather, Brian, Cailey, Braden and Kinsey in Your arms and bless them with peace. Amen.

Auntie Anne said...

I'm praying for you guys! I do agree with Laura though, for you to clean the sink you must be really stressed!