Monday, February 22, 2010

OOOooooo.... I'm tellin'.........

We have a very happy baby. He usually never cries. That's awesome!! We love it!

The other night during dinner (Ephram does NOT like to eat) I was feeding him his food. He stuck his thumb in his mouth as the bite was coming closer. I was joking around and said (in 5th grade style) ooooo.....i'm tellin' stuck your thumb in your mouth while you were eating...
and this was his reaction.

Yep...I made my sweet, happy, never sad, baby cry. We thought that SURELY it was a coincidence, so like any great family we said it again...just to be sure that's why he was crying. And yes...once again his precious face IMMEDIATELY turned from happy to SO sad and tears were streaming down his face. Poor baby. The next ten minutes the other kiddos were laughing hysterically and torturing our normally happy boy with repeats of "oooo...I'm tellin'". New rule in the Barbour house: no one can say "ooooo....I'm tellin'" in front of the baby.

**When Cailey was about 11 months old she would start crying- no, SCREAMING when anyone said "YAY!!!" for her. That's a hard thing not to say when you are constantly encouraging someone trying to walk, talk, do new things, etc. Finally one day (a couple months later) I was fed up and decided to say it over and over until she didn't care anymore...after a few minutes of screaming she stopped and never had a problem with the word again. I'm not planning on doing the same thing with Ephram because, really, who says "oooo...I'm tellin'" anyways?

1 comment:

Eve said...

such a sad face!! how dare you make your baby cry:)

love you!