Monday, July 12, 2010


Braden and Cailey have been wanting to play Monopoly for a while so when we were at Nonny and Poppy's Brian taught them how. I don't like the game, but I LOVE being the banker (and wanted to spend time with them) so that was my role.

Brian likes to immediately buy houses then hotels for all his property and the kids joined right in with that. I don't remember doing that a lot as a kid...boy it sure wipes out all your money if you land on something with a hotel!

They played for a few hours one day and then it had to be put away. A couple days later they started a game that could be left out and actually finished it after two days! They all went bankrupt and came back several times but in the end Cailey won. They LOVED it...I on the other hand felt bad whenever someone had to pay an enormous amount and use all their money...oh...or when Cailey had to keep going to jail over and over because of doubles, Chance, or the 'Go to Jail' space. Braden was happy as a lark and VERY attentive whenever someone landed on his property.

I do treasure the times when we can just sit and play for hours together!

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