Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving 2011!

We are having a great time at Nonny and Poppy's house celebrating Thanksgiving:)!
No family picture today because Nonny was so busy cooking and we were helping clean and by the time I thought about it ephram was napping...then company came....then yumminess....then jammies came on....then lots of playing together:)

but i love these shots...and love these guys:). very thankful!

we stayed with nonny and poppy from wednesday to saturday night. i was sick on wednesday and mom ended up getting sick on saturday...then when we left dad got sick:(. we hung around the house playing lots of games on Thanksgiving day, went shopping at Tyson's Corner on Black Friday (YAY), and helped clean and take care of mom on Saturday.

each one of the kiddos picked out a game to play....nonny baked two pies for Thanksgiving that the kiddos LOVED! cherry and pumpkin

connect 4 with poppy and the american girl store with my girls

1 comment:

Joy for the Seasons said...

Love the outfits! And Ephram's hat!