Sunday, February 10, 2008

Highs and Lows of Cupcakes...

Brian made cupcakes for my birthday (in addition to my favorite cake) and I let the kids have one for snack on Friday. They loved it of course but one child was extremely disappointed when she found out she could only have one!! I thought it was so funny I just had to take pictures to remember the moment:). Oh...and just so you know, it was a SNACK and I also gave her a whole banana and grapes so she was not hungry....just MAD!!!

Wow, this is a good cupcake

I am going to smile for Mommy, this is so fun!

What? I can't have another one?

What do you mean I can't have another one!?!?




Eve said...

oh my goodness, you would have thought that the ceiling was going to fall on her head! It was a great kodak moment!

Sherri said...

Now that is hilarious. I think I've seen a similar expression on Evan's face but I was never quick enough to capture it on film. Classic!