Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cc for Christmas

Cc is for Christmas!!

C is for coloring and cotton!

C is for cars! (She sorted all the cars out and we
made a C together)

C is for carrots, cucumbers,
cereal, crakers, cookies, candy, and celery!

C is for cookies! Kinsey
ate LOTS of cookies last week
and even helped me bake some!

cool whip colors

we mixed colors with cool whip
(which all the kids enjoyed:)

C is for Chicka Chicka
Boom Boom! (always a
favorite in our house)

C is for cut!
(cutting play doh is a great
fine motor skill)

C is for crown...and lots of other words:)!

We had a GREAT week with the letter C and there were SO many things for us to do!

Crafts: coloring, cutting, painting with cars, cotton ball art, making clowns, finding C animals (cat, cow, caterpillar, crab, chick, chimpanzee, chicken, caribou, crocodile), chalk on construction paper, coin rubbings, cheerios in the shape of a C, making cards, coin toss in cups, a clothespin game, and a counting cookie game.

Foods: chicken, cheeseburger, cool whip, chips, cheese (her favorite!), corn flakes, cheerios, croissants, cottage cheese, corn, coconut, candy, chocolate, cake, cherries, cupcake:)

1 comment:

Janet said...

You could not have picked the letter "C" at a better time! I never bake this amount of cookies at any other time of the year. And what better way to get the letter "c" down --for a kid -- than making, baking, and eating cookies! :)