Thursday, December 4, 2008

following in my footsteps

Cailey asked for a camera (and a microphone) last Christmas and hasn't mentioned it again until recently. She informed me that I should give her my old camera (point and shoot) because I didn't need it with a new one. We haven't given it to her yet, but the other night I let her take some pictures and she was LOVING it! She's asked me for it everyday I guess she'll be getting it for Christmas! We need to work on how to treat it, etc. though because as soon as I gave it to her the other night she handed it over to a four year old friend. It's hard because we ALWAYS tell her to share but when it comes to the camera we are telling her not to let anyone else hold it because it can break easily. I'm interested to see how long her photo fascination lasts...I hope it'll be a long time!


The Hilemans said...

Addie is the same way. Cute!

anthonyandbeth said...


Caroline said...

Sarah and I got cameras for the first time when we were little (probably like 3rd and 5th grade). Hers was purple, mine was hot pink. We had a blast taking pictures of random stuff, and I still have the pictures somewhere.

I hope she has fun with it, just like you do!