Thursday, October 18, 2012

While the boys were away...

 Brian was off camping with Braden and Ephram for scouts so after soccer games Leslie and I got together for a super fun day with the girls. We started with skating! The girls have only been a couple times but caught on (just about when it was time to leave:). They had a fun time and have been asking to go back since then!
 Leslie and I were CRACKING up at some really great 'older gentleman skaters' who may be famous on YouTube one day:)

 After skating we went to Chili's and after dinner surprised Leslie (whose birthday was just a few days away) with singing and molten lava cake! She was SHOCKED and her face was priceless:).  The girls did a great job keeping the secret and being PATIENT as we had to wait a while for everyone to be at the table for singing:).

 Leslie hadn't been to Charming Charlie and I was telling her all about it so we headed there for some fun shopping and being silly after dinner. Her girls loved it as much as mine! We stayed there for a while and enjoyed trying things on.

The day was still not over because when we left the mall we went back to Leslie's for a movie and Kinsey fell asleep during it so we decided to trade girls for a sleepover. It was a super fun girls day while the boys had a great day camping!

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