Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013

 We went to an amazing church service last night so this rainy Easter we hung out here as a family.  After breakfast the kids found their baskets.
 then looked through their goodies with excitement
thankfully i get things on sale all year because i honestly thought nothing about 
Easter baskets until the night before! fortunately i had enough surprises hidden away for each
of them:)

 We did two of Cailey's Easter Mad Libs times!

 Braden LOVED his book and wii game...and ephram's favorite part was reading his dinosaur sticker book with me and counting his candy. I was helping Kinsey with something and turned around to see that he had lined it all up and was counting it. Eesh!

 next up we dyed eggs
 and made a rainbow without planning it...we didn't even have orange but the kids
had mixed the egg in red then yellow and we ended up with two! 

 little bunny boo....who was a quadruplet....and is no more.
they went back and forth from dyeing eggs to eating bunnies.

 agh!  i can't hear you! i can't see you!

 then we went through the resurrection eggs again and read from the bible together.
today we lit the last candle....after 40 days.

 after reading about it we made resurrection rolls.  cailey and braden knew what was going to happen but the younger two didn't.  still...I love these and the story that goes along. and i LOVE that we did it while Brian was home with us!

putting oil and spices on Jesus (the marshmallow) then
wrapping him up and closing the tomb

 closed and ready to go in the oven!

 it worked!  the tomb is empty!  and they were yummy:) the kiddos also ate all 16 of the eggs they dyed! lunch turned out to be candy, resurrection rolls, and dyed eggs.

 these were their baskets the night before. they each got their favorite food in their baskets which was SUPER exciting for them! so...pepperoni for kinsey, mushrooms for braden, hummus for cailey, and fish sticks for ephram. still cracks me up that ephram loves fish sticks when he only had them after doing Ff is for fish! he literally HUGGED the bag when he saw them!

after doing the blog post i am realizing i somehow and not in any picture...but I was here!

When we were finished with all of our family fun the kids spent the afternoon playing outside and we watched The Bible together.

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