Saturday, March 9, 2013

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

 We had a super fun day celebrating Dr. Seuss this year! We decided to pick out different books and try to do something for each one. We brought all our books down then got to work.
 We did the ABC book by writing letters (or poems, or rhyming words) in shaving cream. There are so many ways to adapt something as simple as shaving cream to fit all different age groups.
(Ephram 'helped' me read this book)

 This book was Hop on Pop, of course!  They were all eager to Hop on Pop!
(I read this to the kids)

 We played a fishing game, went on a 'fish hunt' and sorted fish after reading One Fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish. (Kinsey read this to us)

 Cailey couldn't WAIT to act out this book and we knew right away which one she was acting out!  I'm NOT Going to Get Up Today! (She read this to us from bed with giggles:)

 and OH the afternoon snack of Cat and the Hat trifles!  They were a huge hit and shared nicely. 

  This one was hard...10 Apples up on Top!

 We did The Foot Book by painting a left foot (braden's), left foot (kinsey's), left foot (ephram's), right! (Cailey).  Ephram and I also did some counting and sorting on foam foot cut outs I have. I made green eggs and ham for dinner...and some little appetizer versions. (Of course Daddy read Green Eggs and Ham during dinner.) There were also goldfish and kabobs.

 Cat and the Hat was represented by several things. The kids did art work, (ate trifles earlier) wrote poems, Ephram wrote rhyming words, and I made Cat in the Hat Kabobs.

It was a fun day!

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