Saturday, April 13, 2013


 ephram was sorting and counting his marshmallows on St. Patrick's day

 celery painting...all the kiddos LOVED painting roses

 constantly playing with manipulatives together

 day of the sickies

 in and out of the house for showings means doing school when/where ever you can!

 all of my kids have loved the magnetic tangrams but ephram LOVES them the most at a young age and constantly builds elaborate towers and structures with them.  the other kiddos loved building houses and pyramids with them, then putting fake bugs, etc. inside. this is one of the awesome structures ephram built.

 playing the silly face game with mommy and daddy

 look at that snuggly wuggly baby boy

 yo yo yo...dr. ephram checking out braden

 trip to walmart and he didn't want to ride in the cart (sniff sniff). baby boy is growing up!

 silly hair!

 being silly with mommy at claire's

 found my ostrich all tucked in by a certain little boy and waiting for me on my pillow.  sweetness.

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