Monday, January 20, 2014

my joyful gymnast

 Kinsey wanted to take piano this fall.  She went to lessons with Cailey and Braden but when it came to practicing she did NOT like it. Not one bit. She LOVED learning the songs with Ms. Jewel and playing them once they were learned, but sitting and practicing new songs was another story. After four months I decided that if she didn't want to practice (without being nagged) then she should be able to quit. At first she didn't want to..but after another week of not wanting to practice she couldn't WAIT to tell Jewel she was quitting. It's just not her 'thing'. That was hard for me because I think it's great to know how to read and play at least 'basic' notes. BUT it wasn't worth the fight...or her joy. Or my sanity. Or the money!

She also (FINALLY) started taking a good gymnastics class. She had to start at the first level since she hasn't taken before but has learned a TON. Her mode of transportation is cartwheels so she's CONSTANTLY practicing. Kinsey can't sit still..or doesn't like to. She taught herself how to do a handstand into a walkover AND a back walk over (from standing). This is 'her' thing. She loves it...therefore she loves to practice it. We don't ever have to say a word because she's just always doing it. Handstands, cartwheels, backbends, walkovers....she loves it all.

I'm not sure where it will lead but her goal is to get on the team. She loves bars the most and is pretty amazing considering this is her first class. Kinsey is very strong and determined with gymnastics..which I guess comes from her love of it.
My gumby girl

Kinsey still loves basketball and will start that soon her 'things' for this year are basketball and gymnastics...her two loves:).  She's my little athlete.

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