Thursday, May 22, 2014


I don't usually like eggplant. But mom had me taste it again and it was SO VERY YUMMY!!! So...she bought one and wanted to teach me how to make it. It's so hard for me to learn from her because she just KNOWS what to do and it changes all the time. This is true for so many of the things she makes. When she cooks them they are super yummy! Then I go home and try to do the same thing and it's gross. With mom the measurements aren't exact...or the cooking time...or even the temp. I haven't attempted it on my own yet but I can't wait to see if I can make a yummy eggplant parmesan.

I do love to cook...and do it rather well...but I can never duplicate moms 'made up' recipes!

Thanks for taking the time to teach me, MOM!

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