my mom made this dedication dress for
Cailey (and Kinsey) out of my First Communion
dress that she made when I was in 2nd grade.
Happy birthday to my sweet, sweet baby Kinsey who is now three years old. I was sitting here thinking about her birth story and wondering what time she was born and the details of her birth. I know her birth weight and length, but that's all concerning that special day. I'm sure her birth mom is thinking of her please pray for her.

To Kinsey:
I didn't know about you the day you were born. I first found out about you in January when you were not quite three months old and was so excited to meet you! I didn't hear your first cry, see your first smile, or hear your first laugh. I am so blessed to have seen you crawl and walk for the first time and hear your first words. You are such a gift to me and I'm so thankful that on October 29, 2005 you were born. I thank God for that phone call and His perfect will for you to be in our family. I love you baby, Happy 3rd Birthday!
This year was a big one for Kinsey. She stopped wearing diapers a year ago, she started talking more (mostly this summer) and adds to her vocabulary daily. She can say a ton of phrases including my favorite: "sop poppying me" (stop copying me). Kinsey is great at sports and we're guessing she will be a great athlete. This summer she proved once again to be the daredevil of the family by jumping in the water and just hoping someone would pull her up! She loves to be read to (which just developed this year), loves to play games, wants to do anything Braden and Cailey do, still loves her 'banky' (which she also calls bay bay) and can't sleep without it. Kinsey loves to dress up and be a 'girly girl' with beautiful dresses, jewelry, purses, shoes (even if they are on the wrong feet), etc. She's really cute when she sings and dances with the kids...most of the time she doesn't know the words, but she'll shout out something along with the others! She's a great cuddler (which is awesome to me since she's the baby) and loves, loves, loves dolls and real babies. Kinsey is VERY helpful and loves to help me cook dinner, set the table, empty some of the dishwasher, and is always by my side to help put the laundry in the dryer. Kinsey tends to fall down A LOT and just gets back up and most of the time she isn't phased...even when she's bleeding. She spills A LOT of milk and water:), and then gets towels to clean it up! She's got a beautiful smile and contagious laugh. She's very empathetic. She loves to read her bible and listen to bible stories. She prays. I love you so much, pookie!
Today she requested pancakes for breakfast, bok bok moo (Chick fil A) for lunch,'pizzey and teetees' (pizza and cookies) for dinner, so that's what she'll get. She just started saying she was two half (2 1/2) a few weeks ago but has caught on QUICKLY that she is now three:).
Happy Birthday Kinsey!!!
Happy birthday sweet Kinsey:) I still remember getting to go to the airport with your family to pick you up...what a special day that was! I love you:)
so sweet! Happy Birthday Kinsey! what a sweet girl you are!
Yeah! Happy Birthday Kinsey! Sounds like a yummy birthday will be had!
So many great pictures of her! Happy Birthday Kinsey! she is growing up so fast!
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