Sunday, March 1, 2009

true servant's heart

Braden's FAVORITE words to say are, "is there anything I can do to help you?" He truly has such a servant's heart and wants to help with anything from getting a drink to emptying the dishwasher! He constantly takes initiative and cleans up a room without being asked. Now that he's getting older he asked to learn how to do more things like: make salad, rinse dishes, fold clothes, and clean the counters. This sweet boy is going to make a great husband when he grows up!


anthonyandbeth said...

yes he is! he is SO SWEET! i just love him! can he come over??? :)

Janet said...

That is just the sweetest boy! Course I can't be biased to just Braden as all three of your kids ran and gave me a big hug after church. I'm lovin that!