Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Vv for Valentine!

Vv is for velvet!

Vv is for vine

Vv is for vanilla wafers!
(i always forget to take the food pics)

V poem set to music!

Vv is for vase

This week we: made Valentine's, a vase, vines (both drawing and cutting them out), went on a vehicle hunt in magazines (mainly looking for vans), made a Vv with velcro, painted a paper vest, tried to make a v in vanilla ice cream but it was too cold for her hands:), vacuumed with four different kinds of vacuums, made a Vv with an assortment of vegetables, listened to violin music, did a science experiment to make an 'errupting' volcano, planted a violet, did LOTS of Valentine's crafts, and made a Vv with velvet.

Foods that start with Vv: Vanilla wafers, Vanilla ice cream (and an assortment of MANY other vanilla things), Vietnamese food, vegetables, venison (which we did NOT eat), vinegar, valencia orange juice, and veal

1 comment:

anthonyandbeth said...

is that striped sweater the one we gave her for her birthday??? i love it on her!