Saturday, September 1, 2012

Wee boot

Thursday actually started off as a really HAPPY day before we got the news about Braden's eye. Ephram had his ortho appointment and after doing an x ray on his leg the doctor decided not to put another cast on, but to put him in a boot. And he has the cutest wee boot ever:). He'll wear it for around a month. I was THRILLED to be able to give him a bath and wash that stinky foot!

The break can still be seen on the x ray but it's continuing to heal.

It's Saturday and he still hasn't started walking with it but he will cruise (slowly while holding on to furniture) and he can climb up on beds, etc quite well...oh, and he can stand up in the middle of the room without help. I told Brian I feel like it's the same as when he was learning to walk! We cheer him on just for standing up and boy does it make us rejoice!

Dr. Ephram did an x ray on Frank and found that his break was completely healed and he didn't even need a boot. We're so relieved!

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