Tuesday, September 2, 2008

impromptu science lesson

When Brian was mowing the grass on Saturday he found a turtle. When he showed it to the kids we decided to turn it into a science lesson! We looked up what kind it was (Eastern box turtle), fun facts, and what kind of habitat it needed. Then Brian and the kids went to work making a habitat for the turtle in the backyard. They ended up using our turtle sandbox (how ironic!) and filled it with dead leaves, water, a few rocks, worms, and berries. We are taking every experience possible and turning them into a 'teachable' moments.

Later that afternoon the kids said goodbye to the turtle and released it into grass!


anthonyandbeth said...

can i come to your school??? sounds like fun!

Janet said...

I am so envious of the trivium cycle you are in. I loved Ancients and Life Science. Course....with Austin around, I still feel like we are doing Life Science.

I'll be watching and recording all you do this year because we'll be back to ancients next year. Yeah!!