Monday, February 17, 2014

Day 2 Snow Fun

 I can't remember the last time in North Carolina when it snowed while there was snow already on the ground. Day 2 brought more rain, sleet, and a little bit of snow to cover up footprints from the day before. We couldn't wait to go out a build a snowman together. By the time I came out Daddy had already started on this guy:)

 Narnia again:)

 For some reason outside toys are much more fun when they are covered in snow:)

 I love this shot of Cailey. Happy eyes, smiling mouth, and snow all around

 There were LOTS of snow ball fights this day since the snow was wetter.

 Ephram became a pro at making snow balls but we still need to work out throwing them:)

 Braden and I decided we want to make a BIG snowman in the backyard. We rolled and rolled the snow until the ground could be seen underneath!  Getting his belly on literally had be sweating because it was so heavy to lift. Cailey and Kinsey made the head.

 I baked a lot this day but not without spending plenty of time enjoying the snow with my kiddos. Then when they came in they had something warm and yummy to fill their cold bellies.

Gracie came over in the afternoon so the three oldest kiddos headed to the big hill with her. Apparently there was a lot of slush at the bottom so they came home an hour later wet but full of funny stories:). Gracie and Cailey came in for a warm snack and hung out for a few more hours before dinner.

Ephram BEGGED Braden and Kinsey to go back out with him so they grabbed a dry outfit and went outside with him. The three of them lasted 15 Thankful for fun days like this and that we still managed to get school done.

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