Saturday, April 12, 2014

Sunday Funday

     On Sunday our mission team headed to church for the morning service. It was pretty cool to listen to a whole service in Spanish but it was also very confusing. Luckily a lady translated the pastor's words into English so those who spoke only English could listen to her speak on headphones. At the end of the service we got to watch the church have their first baptism. About ten people got baptized and a few of them were kids! After everyone left church our team headed to the tables for a delicious lunch of chicken, potatoes and veggies. For dessert a man brought out some dried fruits. I tried a coconut sweet and thought it was delicious. My friends and I kept on eating the yummy dessert until someone took the tray away.

    Soon after lunch Miguel drove us to the school for some swimming and basketball. That afternoon was a huge blast and before I knew it we were on our way home to shower, change clothes, and get ready for the night service.

     That night I was teaching the children Daniel and the lions den. It all went well except I accidentally read Daniel and the fiery furnace AND Daniel and the lions den. Thankfully I ended on Daniel in the lion's den so that was the last thing they heard. I also had a translator to help me communicate to the children. I thought it was really fun teaching and wasn't nervous at all. I remember having teenagers come teach my Sunday school class when I was six and now I get to teach younger children.

    During craft I met a precious little girl named Sinde.  Unfortunately she only spoke Spanish but with a sigh of relief I realized that her sister spoke English so I was able to help her with the lion puppet craft easily. After the service and dinner Sinde and nine other girls came in to have ice cream with the mission team. I realized when she was so noisy in front of her sister that she had been so quiet during church because she is ALWAYS around her sisters. Also, she had been abandoned just a few weeks before. All of the girls there had been abandoned or taken from their parents at some point but a very kind couple made a home for abandoned girls. Now there are several of these homes built with about ten to twelve girls in each one. I had a lot of fun at church and the pool and am thankful that I had an opportunity to teach the Sunday school.

     God showed me that when I'm mad at my parents for making me clean my room I need to be thankful for even having parents who love you or aren't having trouble with drug addiction. I also noticed how respectful and quiet the children were while I was teaching them about Daniel. Another thing I noticed was when they saw an empty seat in the middle of their row they immediately scooted over and filled in that seat instead of making someone go into the middle. I can recall several times of Cherie having to tell the sixth graders to do that in my class in Route 56.

By: Cailey

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