Monday, July 7, 2008

the latest argument...

Having three kids around the same age means LOTS of arguments...but none as 'funny or interesting' as the one that occurred in the van the other day. Cailey said, "Mommy....(and tried to continue telling me something) until Kinsey interrupted by saying, "NO! MY MOMMY!" in a loud voice. Then of course it continued back and forth (MY mommy, NO, MY mommy!...) as the girls were fighting about whose mommy I was. I was flattered:) and told Kinsey that I was her mommy, and Cailey and Braden's mommy. To this she responded by sticking her bottom lip out and saying quietly, "no, MY mommy." Only an adoptive parent would understand what a sweet moment that was:)

And for a sidenote, EVERY time Cailey tries to talk to us in the van she is IMMEDIATELY interrupted by Kinsey who talks over her the entire time, saying things that we can't understand. (It's actually pretty cute.) Kinsey is also VERY jealous when Cailey pays attention to other people instead of her (she was really upset when Cailey was talking to Suzy instead of her in the van and kept saying, "Yook Daiyee, Yook me!/ Look Cailey, Look at me!).....she adores and copies EVERYTHING her sister does in spite of their 'arguments'!


Anonymous said...

That is very cute! I am sure that you don't want the arguing but the reason for it is very adorable! :)

Janet said...

That does make a momma so happy - despite the fighting. "Mom" is such a precious word. I'd take it in any size or shape.