Thursday, July 31, 2008
Lately I've been seeing glimpses of her 'babyness' slipping away. Her voice is changing, the things she says are changing, and her behavior is changing. She's GROWING UP!!! Yesterday she was outside with Kinsey and Braden pushing them in the swing for a LONG time, singing to them, and entertaining them. This is new...usually she is the one in the swing. She still has her 'moments'...but so do I! baby is growing up.
As I write this they are in the backyard playing...and now I hear fighting and screaming...AHHH...back to reality! Oh, and Cailey's new goal is to be a runner in the Olympics! My dream was to be a gymnast or figure skater...hers is to be a runner:)! She keeps asking to be in 'running class' but I have no idea how to make that possible. They have soccer, baseball, etc. but no running that I know of for her age.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
must be a girl thing....
(Cailey was over 2 in this one....right when
Braden came home)
(This was Sat...Kinsey is 2 1/2)
****Today is the one year mark for my blog:)!!****
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Cailey's first book!
A couple weeks ago, Cailey decided she wanted to write a book. I was very interested in what it would be about but stayed back because I didn't want to influence her. She did it all from start to'll see that she was taught 'inventive spelling' in school (something that I am NOT a fan of!) It's such a great story! She had an idea in her head and stayed on topic the whole time! Her illustrations are cute too:). She shows everyone and can't wait to see their reactions!
My Birthday's By: Cailey Barbour
Page 1:
The Baby Cailey was born. I was born in Masochusis. (Massachusetts)
I grun and gruen untel
I was one and I had a chu chu
birthday cake. (Grew and grew)
Page 3:
My sckent Birthday wen.
I have my secknt Birthday.
I was trning two with.
a Butrfli cake.
(My second birthday when I was turning two with a butterfly cake)
My thrd Birthday with.
a car Bar cake win I was.
trning three
(My third birthday with a Care Bear cake when I was turning three.)
My forth Birthday.
win i was trning for.
with a bech bol cake.
(My fourth birthday when I was turning four with a beach ball cake)
had a sand casol cake
(My fifth birthday when I had a sand castle cake.)
Monday, July 28, 2008
another pool
sheree taking them for a train ride
WOW...he's come SO far since the last time we went to the pool!
Sheree (my friend and boss) invited us to her pool Friday and we had a great time! Cailey and Braden both made GREAT progress with their swimming! Cailey was swimming from me to the wall with no floats...she was SO proud of herself-and I was proud of her too! Braden was jumping off the side, (with no one catching him) putting his face in the water (a HUGE deal for him), and floating on his back. He did SO great and I was proud of him for trying new things! The kids had fun playing with Zackary and Elena too.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
sprayground....with friends
This week we met some friends at the sprayground. It was perfect weather, not crowded, and the kids had a blast! One of our friends even brought pool toys....which kept Braden entertained pretty much the whole time. Cailey and Sarah hung out playing games and talking.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
slip n' slide....again!
We helped out with childcare again at our friend Jen's house so the kids were able to go on the slip n' slide again! Last time we helped Cailey was in school and didn't get to she was really excited to discover it and spent the most time on the slip n' slide!! Kinsey once again used it for a water fountain and Braden found other toys to play with..he wasn't into the water this time!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Look how we've changed!
Summer of 07 we spent LOTS of time at their house with newborn twins and Isaac on the way. This summer they are able to come here a ton and hang out! Can't wait to see what next summer brings:).
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Sweet Suitcase!
The other day I turned around and saw this at my feet! Brian was taking a bunch of stuff upstairs and his normal mode of transportation for Kinsey (the laundry basket) was this is what he brought her up in:)!!! Just kidding..he didn't ACTUALLY carry her up like this, but she looks awfully cute posing for the pictures!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Letter Lines
My kids LOVE to play teacher and use a pointer while they are singing songs. I bought some foam letters and had the kids make letter lines (in place of the number line). It's good for ABC order, one to one correspondence, and a great way for Kinsey to learn her letters. They are having so much fun using the pointer and 'teaching' Kinsey.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
deep sea door art
Monday, July 21, 2008
Bubbles Art!
***To make bubble paint mix bubble solution with a little paint. You don't need that much and the kids LOVE doing it!